Friends For Days Tag // Bloggers To Follow

If there’s one thing I love about blogging, it’s the people behind the blogs. When I first started out blogging, I didn’t really know what I was doing, It was just something fun to do in my free time. But now that I’ve started following some incredible blogs and keeping up with everyone’s lives, it’s turned into something much more.

That being said, I’m happy to say that I’ve been nominated for the Friends For Days Tag! It’s a tag created by Cheila of Pink For Days to recognize and get to know other bloggers. I was nominated by the incredible Kate of Good Honest Truth. She said some lovely words about me, and I can’t help but return the favor. Her blog is filled with everything from foody pics to beauty products and her writing is so honest. Definitely check her blog out!

For the tag, you have to tag five bloggers who you don’t know well or are new to the community and give them three kind words. Then you do the same for two bloggers that have been at it for a while. You’re also supposed to comment and like some of their posts.

Now, without further ado, here are some of my favorite newfound bloggers that I nominate for the tag:

Trending With Trina

I just recently stumbled upon Trina’s blog, and I’m so glad I did! Her beauty content is incredible. I’m also slightly obsessed with the header on her blog. It’s so pretty! I’d also suggest following her on IG because her photos are gorgeous.

Love leigh

I love this blog because Leigh is so honest! She does incredible reviews of products, but also goes deeper with Q&As and more personal posts. It made me realize that I need to start opening up too. Not to mention that her photos are gorgeous.

Natalie Vinh

This is another blog that I just stumbled upon, and I’m so glad I did. She writes about everything from chocolate chip cookies to girl power — basically all of my favorite things. Her photos are great, and I love that she can go from reviewing a product to writing a personal post from day to day.

All Things Blair

When I first saw this blog, I instantly noticed how incredible the layout and photos were. But when you start reading, you realize that Blair is even more incredible. She shares every step of her wedding as well as fashion and beauty posts. Basically, this girl can do it all and she does it all well.

The Busy Bee

As a fellow CHAARG member, I’ve been following Alyssa forever. But she just started blogging again. This girl is truly beautiful from the inside out. She shares posts about nutrition, fitness, and faith, but does it in a way that is so fun to read about. If you need any foodie advice, definitely go to her!

Here are a few blogs that I’ve been following for a while that deserve some serious recognition:

Glitters & Roses

I’ve been following Emma’s blog since I first started this blog, and her posts just keep getting better! Her layout is absolutely stunning and she’s constantly coming up with new and exciting topics to talk about. This is one blog you need to follow.

Styled By Mckenz

I’m seriously obsessed with Mckenzie’s blog. Her fashion and beauty posts are so great and she stay consistent, which I love. She just recently got a brand new site too. I have to say, I didn’t know how she could make her site any better, but she did it!

This was such a fun post for me. I love getting to know bloggers through their site and giving them credit where credit is due. You should definitely check out all their blog, because the girls are incredible.

Leave some of your own favorite bloggers in the comments, so I can check them out too!



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