Sakara’s Beauty Detox // Eating Charcoal For 5 Days

There are certain things in life that are planned. Eating charcoal is not one of them, but recently that’s what I’ve been doing. For five days, I went on a plant-based, all-natural diet complete with chlorophyll drinks and lots of tea thanks to the Sakara Life Beauty Detox. They gifted me the reset to share with all of you, and boy do I have a lot to say.

All jokes aside, I was really excited to get started with this detox. I decided to start it the day I got back from vacation, so I could have a clean start to the rest of summer. Little did I know that it would do so much more.

Here’s how it works: for five days you follow their plan of detox teas, vitamins, and morning and night drinks as well as eat a plant-based diet. Yes, you heard that right. You eat on this detox. It’s all about going back to basics — not starving yourself. The idea is to get everything artificial out of you body and start fresh.

It all comes shipped to your door in one very chic looking box. You get five charcoal bars, enough detox tea for two cups a day, probiotic chocolates, supplements, a morning and night product to add to water, and ten recipe cards. Everything is so easy to use and is explained clearly. After a little shopping, I was ready to get started.

The first day went swimmingly. I don’t eat much meat anyways, so going vegan for five days wasn’t the hard part. What was hard was giving up coffee. I will admit, the second day, I stated to incorporate a black coffee every morning into my routine. It wasn’t on the schedule, but I just love coffee way to much to detox from it. Call is what you will, but it made the week easier, so I did it.

Overall, everything in the detox is really easy to use. These might be ingredients that you haven’t used or maybe even heard of, but it’s all actually enjoyable to eat. Yes, even the charcoal bar in the morning. The hardest part of the actual detox, if you can say that, was probably the morning drink. But that’s only because the taste of rose is not my favorite.

Now let’s talk results! The biggest result was that my skin cleared up tremendously. I was also using a vegan skincare routine [which I do all the time], so the results were crazy. My skin was literally glowing and all the texture and problem areas were no longer. The results were actually so good that I’ve decided to limit my meat — not go vegan completely — to once a day, if even.

Would I do this again, you ask? Absolutely, but only when I live on my own, because the temptation was unreal. I actually bough their probiotic chocolates, detox teas, and use their recipes still. The food was incredible. It was mainly food that I’ve had before, but cooked in different ways. Like acorn squash tacos and quinoa lettuce wraps.
Would you ever do a detox? I love that this one actually let me eat, but I haven’t tried any others. I love my food [and coffee] too much haha. Let me know what you do to detox or any of them that you’ve tried in the comments!



  1. ughmango

    The aesthetic and beautiful packaging already makes me want to try this. I am vegetarian so this one wouldn’t probably be so hard for me haha. I love that it let’s you eat because let’s just face it, I could never get through a detox if you arent allowed to eat properly. 🌷 xx

  2. ayrgalaxy

    This sounds so much better than a smoothie detox I did about a year and a half ago. It was a different smoothie recipe every day for breakfast, lunch and dinner, all made with fresh & raw fruits and veggies (with some frozen) but I was only able to eat fish, chicken or eggs for dinner which sucked! I dropped that detox 7 days after I started and it was only for 10 days lol. Never doing that again. But this sounds really really good! I’m trying not to eat too much meat anymore or buy organic instead, and incorporate more fruits and veggies into my diet and I’ve actually noticed a huge difference. I would love to do this someday!

  3. K.M. Sutton

    Charcoal is amazing! When I have been glutened or my stomach is deciding it is going through break-up, I will eat it and it flushes everything out.
    I try to do a detox seasonally. I haven’t tried this one, but I am definitely going to look into it. I LOVE that you drank coffee on it. You go girl with making it your own! 🙂 ❤

  4. Emily

    How easy were the recipes to follow? Would someone who isn’t the most comfortable in the kitchen be able to follow them and, hopefully :), end up with an edible result? Are they time consuming? Thank you!!

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